Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Something burning within
A desire or a dream
A thought or embodiment of creativity
Or mere intellectual gleam

What it does to human minds
Is a long persuaded mystery unsolved
Grown all the more complex
Its ambiguity has definitely evolved

Driving away all their pragmatism
Draining away their rationality
Making them unreasonable & insane
& when extreme, can spilt their personality

Someone with brain gave it a name
A little close to the feel, its called “Poetic Urge”
Deadlier than the twister, disastrous than a flood.
A truthful outburst & “ The Poet” emerge

The master of the world of words
The creator of his own kingdom
Imagination & creativity abound
The embodiment of supreme wisdom


Something burning within
A desire or a dream
A thought or embodiment of creativity
Or mere intellectual gleam

What it does to human minds
Is a long persuaded mystery unsolved
Grown all the more complex
Its ambiguity has definitely evolved

Driving away all their pragmatism
Draining away their rationality
Making them unreasonable & insane
& when extreme, can spilt their personality

Someone with brain gave it a name
A little close to the feel, its called “Poetic Urge”
Deadlier than the twister, disastrous than a flood.
A truthful outburst & “ The Poet” emerge

The master of the world of words
The creator of his own kingdom
Imagination & creativity abound
The embodiment of supreme wisdom

Its Always Subjected To Change

Its been really long since I had
seen my real self.
So I got up, dusted myself
of this worldly dust
& there I was
Clean & clear
Pure & beautiful as ever
& then I realized that it was
not I who had changed,
But the worldly dust
which segmented & cast me hard.
I thought it was forever
until I realized that
all I had to do was move.
So the cast cracked
& here I am- The Real Me.
Clean & clear
Pure & beautiful as ever.

Amazing isn’t it?
Would you not like to try it for yourself?
Keep all aside.
This quest is worthwhile.
The quest to find yourself.
The quest to prove the fact
that no matter how hard
the cast might be,
But its always subjected to change.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lesson 15 - Why saying Goodbye Is Always Painful?

As I started moving towards the private bus stand, it started raining again. I was already missing that moist smell, warmth & coziness of my hotel room. Then a weird idea slightly crawled into my mind. Why not stay back, search for job, a house on rent? Why not just disappear for the people in Delhi? Why not just let them assume that I died on a crazy trip & meanwhile create a beautiful life here among hills. I have always wondered why I get emotionally connected to the nature & places than humans. I wish I was a tree or a mountain rock. The nature was crying & so was I to part once gain for an indefinite period of time.

With a real heavy heart, I boarded the bus. Unlike my previous experience, this bus started on time. Passing through the same conventional Kullu- Manali road, again saw my kin Vyas. Running wilder, as if trying to catch hold of me. It was getting darker & gloomy. To distract my mind, I was listening to some of my favorite songs. Don’t remember when I fell asleep. In my sleep, I dreamt about the bus falling into the river & drowning slowly. I saw water level increasing from the window. I was so choked in my dream that it awakened me. It took me few minutes to realize that it was only a dream. I kept on looking at the river for a really long time.

The bus stopped at a very lonely place to unload some stuff. Exactly then, I saw a procession passing through that dark lonely road. They were carrying some idols in a Palaki, dancing & singing with devotion. Himachal has many places of mythological relevance & the people are devoted enough to keep the old tradition alive. Sighting such a procession is considered to be fortunate. So I assumed it was a blessing for me too. The gloominess stared fading away & the sky became brighter with a nearly full moon. I always felt a connection with the moonlight. It kind of refills me with life & keeps me going for the rest of the month. Had a good night’s sleep & when I woke up, I was already in Delhi. Guess what? It was raining in Delhi as well. From that day till today, the weather in Delhi has been really pleasant & rainy. I believe I brought it as a gift from Manali.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lesson 14 - Last Day At Manali

Next day was my last day in Manali. I was supposed to catch a bus at 4:30 pm. Woke up in the morning earlier than usual. And unusually it was very clear & bright outside. Probably the place was happy to see me go, but I wasn’t. Lying at my bed, I kept on looking at the hill & the valley from the window for a couple of hours. Was breathing heavy, trying to store that peculiar fragrance of the moist wooden interior of that room. So that I could remember these hours whenever I wish, even after I m long gone from this place. My lovely run- away trip was coming to an end.

Checking out time was 11 am & Pinka was already present at the reception with his cab to throw me back to the main Manali city. Pinka, though a shy guy, somehow managed to compliment me for two things – my compact luggage & courage to come out to a strange city alone. While he was driving towards the city, I tried exploring his knowledge about various ways of reaching Nepal, his native place. So any guesses where my next unplanned runaway trip would be? He dropped me at the Mall road & insisted on meeting whenever I come back. Before I could say goodbye, he gifted me with a piece of advice. In a very grave & concerned voice he said “Mam, please don’t go to strange places alone. You may be nice but the world isn’t”. For an arrogant girl like me, who listens to none, it was strangely but surely touching. Little did he know that sometimes it is not the choice but the destiny.

Had to kill time,so I walked down to the only so- called multiplex in the city, Picadelly. Adjacent to the Private bus stand, this multiplex is actually a single screen theatre with blue dragons on the either side & good sound quality. Next three hours spent watching a funny bollywood movie. Went back to the Mall road to treat myself with my favorite Momos. Went to a road-side knife seller. Knives of all sizes & for all purposes. Very interesting & diverse variety. But all interesting ones were more than 6 inches & were thus illegal to carry & keep. Unfortunately can’t buy them. Reminded me of a collection of Swiss knives in a showroom in a Mall in Gurgaon. Amidst all this I happen to saw a familiar face smiling at me. The same foreigner guy who had to spend the whole journey on the aisle while coming to Manali. I reciprocated his friendly smile. Before we could start a conversation, I realized that it was time to go. Time to board the bus & go back home. But was I not leaving one for another. Existentialism erupted in my psyche.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lesson 13 - My Best Ever Bike Ride

Moving towards Naggar, I saw many sign boards of various interesting places but had to leave some of them for my next unplanned journey. There are a number of apple orchids near Naggar. The place is famous for these lovely apple orchids & corn fields. Green apples were turning red while corns were still very small. So wanted to pluck an apple & run away. It was not for the taste of an apple but for the taste of stealing. Parked my bike on one side, ran towards a tree, pluck two & fled away. I could see the natives laughing at me. But the feeling of stealing is so exciting that I could never resist. Last time when I was here with my college friends, we had actually robbed a whole orchid of golden apples at 4 o’clock in the morning. This trip was incomplete without this act of stealing.

Passing through Manali, I decided to move towards Rohtang. 57kms away from main Manali, this place is a gate way to heaven. Last time when I was there, I had gone really ill. Wanted to go back again to win that extreme climate which defeated me last time. Extremely dangerous road, horrifying & rude hills around. Zero oxygen makes these hills rocky with no vegetation. Though it was sunny but somehow I could feel the possibility of a climate change. I had crossed Kothi but then something stopped me. Parked my bike. Went to a Bhutta seller, sat beside him. Cozy sun, green grass & a hot bhutta. Wanted to stay there forever. Life rarely gifts such simple pleasures in life.

My intuition was getting stronger. So I pushed myself. While returning back, I saw a couple of bike riders loaded with stuff. Assuming them to be coming from Leh, I started following them. Got fascinated to see their dirt laden bikes. Following their rhythm, I reached Manali. I stopped at a roadside tea stall. There I heard some people talking about snow fall around Rohtang & a landslide near Kothi. My intuition never fails me. Sat at the terrace of an abandoned house beside that tea stall, looking at the sunrays disappearing behind the hills. Today’s was my best bike ride ever

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lesson 12 - I Was Blessed Again

Riding ahead I reached Bhuntar & then decided to take a U- turn. This time I decided to take other road which leads to Naggar & runs parallel to the conventional Kullu-Manali road. To pass from one road to another there is a very huge & beautiful bridge which needs to be traveled. This Naggar road was far better than the other road. Wonder why it was less taken & so smooth. Perfect for a loner like me.

Manikaran – another hot water spring spot was few kms away but I decided to skip. I don’t know what is really wrong with these hot water springs which keeps me away from them. Never been able to see one because of this internal reluctance. It had stopped raining by then, but I was still with my rain coat on. It was noon & I was having those hunger pangs. There was a very small cafe at the bank of Vyas. It was so close to the river that a high tide could actually pour in some water inside. I started wondering about the condition of this place during floods. The café owner got so fascinated to see an Indian girl riding alone that he paid special attention to my needs such as extra butter on the parantha & more sugar in my tea. He even waived at me when he saw me leaving. I am sure, he must have dreamt about me the whole day & probably night.

Next was one of the best experiences of my life. With continuous cold winds entering my ears, my head had started aching. Soon I reached a Tibetan Monastery built in 2005. I had never seen a Monastery before. At its entrance there was a junior school for junior lamas. In the middle was the place for worship & a resourceful library. Then there were quarters for other lamas all around. When I took the steps up to go inside the place of worship I was astonished to see the world around. It was truly eternal. Facing the place of worship was a huge mountain& a seamless sky. Had never seen such a scenery ever. When I entered the place of worship, my headache had suddenly disappeared miraculously. This place was beautifully decorated with laces & frills. Pictures of many kings & Gods were hanging all around the place. A blue statue of Gautam Budhha was very alluring with other beautiful sculptures around. Here no one appeared to be strange. They all smiled without any provocation & their smiles were so natural & real unlike yours & mine. They were the real devotees of god. The grace of God reflected through their smiles. Once again I felt truly blessed

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Yet another day to glorify you
To spread cheer & sing songs
To forget whats gone & embrace new
This is where my heart belongs

The creator, the nurturer, the preserver
You are my only shelter
I have a mother yet you are dearer
But some things are there to alter

Alteration of minds which have gone crazy
Who kills their knowns
Amidst blood, reason has gone hazy
Everyone has become unknown

But I believe in my love for you India
& will turn everyone around
Brothers would hate each other no more
& killings will surely go down

Remembering Gandhi, Subhash, Azaad
We are all their descendents
No matter how difficult it may appear
But would preserve our glorious Independence.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lesson 11- Unpredictable To The Brim

Next morning was not very bright. Cloudy & rainy again. Still feverish I stayed in bed till a little late than usual. This was getting lethargic with more number of cups of tea. Didn’t wanted to waste even a single day. I had been waiting for this trip for really long. So I got my survival kit ready with medicines, dry fruits, water & few others.

Today’s journey was going to be unplanned & unpredictable to the brim. No idea, no route map, no itinerary only movements- of lifetime. So I went out loaded with a rain coat, pair of rubber boots & my survival kit. Hired a bike for Rs 500 after negotiation from a bike shop in main Manali. Leaving the crowd behind I took up that conventional Manali- Kullu route when rain was still on. Hills on my right & Vyas on my left. No matter how much I try, Vyas would win. It felt as if we were running together. Indeed we were. It was cold, very cold. My running nose got freezed but then there occurred a leak. A leak in the eye which occurs when there is overwhelming happiness, love & freedom. Felt like nature’s own. Never felt so loved, so pampered as I did now amidst these hills & this river.

Reached Kullu but yet unstoppable. Few kms away from Kullu, there is a Rabbit Farm. I had already crossed it’s sign board but something brought me back. 800 Rabbits of German breed. Size varying from that of a cat to dog. Funny looking faces. A set of women shaving off their furs in a room. These furs are sold at a very high price for manufacturing Angora Shawls. I wanted to buy a pair of them, but the owner said that they would die in the climate of Delhi. Not the shawls, rabbit. All these rabbits looked different but had the same look in their eyes. They all had a desire to be free. Run wild as they were born to be

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lesson 10 - A Blessed Day

Next stop was Hadimbaa Temple. Spot for many famous bollywood scenes. The old ritual of sacrificing lambs is still prevalent here. Also known as Dhoongri Temple, it is situated in the middle of a forest of Deodar trees. Made in 1533 A.D, the temple has an awesome architecture. You could also find horns of sacrificed animals hanging on one side of the temple. Serene surrounding & welcoming jungle around.

Opposite to the temple is a park called Great Himalayan National Park. There is a track which when followed, takes you to a beautiful jungle with no wild animals but amusing scenery. Noticed a sign board which said “Environment is like our mother, once destroyed we can’t get another”. I got lost in the woods. Always wanted to & here I was amidst the beauty of green. Wanted to stay lost forever. But then there was much to be discovered.

Moving back towards the civilization, I went to the Club House. It has indoor games facility & a nice restaurant. Played my favorite Pool for half an hour, fed myself well & moved on.

Next stoppage was Manu Temple. The only temple of Manu Rishi in India, who is believed to have created human race on earth. Yet to understand why did he do that. Create a species which not only harms themselves but religiously destroys everything around. Well, coming back to the temple, it has a number of bronze statues of several Gods & Goddesses. Amidst all stands the statue of Manu Rishi.

It was already evening. Time to go back to the hotel. But was I not missing a very important thing? Rain Coat & boots. Though I so wanted to avoid that crowded Mall Road but ultimately had to confront that ugly crowd of human race created by Manu Rishi. Got myself a pink Barbie rain coat & a pair of rubber boots. Some things remind me that after all, I am a girl. They were not just products but soon they were going to be a part of an unforgettable journey. So even before the journey, they were already dear to me.

Went back to the hotel. First day spent with ultimate pleasure. Gathered blessings which would now last for another five years. Lots more to follow. I must sleep now. But watched ‘Golden eye’ & ‘Pink Panther’ before I finally fell asleep with another pill to keep me well next day. The day gone was well utilized but then there was so much to follow

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lesson 9 - A Perfect Blessed Begenning

First destination of the first day of my journey was a village called Jagat Sukh, 6 kms away from Manali. As the name suggests, there was peace all around. This place was the previous capital of Kullu. The place has a Shiva temple behind which there is another temple called Gayatri temple. Statues in these temples are said to be placed at the time of Pandavas. Awesome woodwork, unmatchable artwork. The Pandits of both the temples were very affectionate people. The Pandit in the Shiva temple could speak fluent English & his 80 yr old mother too had a good vocabulary. When I first saw him, he was delivering a lecture on mythology & history related to the temples to a group of foreign tourists.

Gayatri temple is taken care of by a middle aged widow who is a Kashmiri pandit. She made me do a very brief puja to cleanse my sins. But I don’t really believe that such a brief puja could cleanse my dirty soul. She blessed me well with a very rare truthful smile. An extremely affectionate experience.

My next destination was the village of Vashisht named after sage Vashisht. 3kms away from Manali, this place is famous for a hot sulphur spring inside the Vashisht temple & a Ram Mandir which is opposite to Vashisht temple. Though I have been to Vashisht temple twice but somehow could not enter. I could never comprehend why but I simply could not enter. So unfortunately have nothing to tell about this place.

I went to Ram Mandir instead which was another lovely experience. There I met a wise man C L Acharya Ji, the pandit & care taker of the temple. Educated, 68 yr old man with good health, creamy hair & lots of enthusiasm. Sat beside him for sometime. His only daughter lives in my city; this probably brought him closer to me. He started treating me as his long lost daughter. We exchanged addresses & he promised to meet me & my family when he visits his daughter next time. He was curious to know about other places I have been to. His age could not kill the traveller in him. He has been fond of travelling all his life & he still wanted to go to places he has never been to. What a SPIRIT! I must say.

In less than two hours, I had met four interesting religious people. Full of affection, purity & life. They were all old people but there was one more thing common in them. Even after so many years, they simply loved their jobs. I wish me & my friends could feel the same when we grow old

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lesson 8 -First Morning In Manali

Next morning was all the more moist. It had rained the whole night & was still pouring. Manali was welcoming me really well. All I could see out of my window were clouds. Dense white clouds. Morning tea never seemed so soothing & special as it appeared then. Creativity is at its best, early in the morning. That’s what I had always believed & observed as well. Wrote few lines while still on my bed. Well don’t know when did this strange bed became mine. Popped another pill with the breakfast.

Local guide & my cab driver was present at the reception already. Pinka, a middle aged Nepalese who looked like a 16 year old teen. Awesome voice & flawless diction of Hindi, which could even put me to shame. He has been working here for the past 7years. He has two kids & a wife in Nepal. He was surprised to see me all alone as I was surprised to see his awesome, fast yet smooth driving on those uneven roads with deadly crisp turns. Decent guy with a decent smile. There was another thing which I really liked was his name – Pinka. Cute, would like to name one of my sons with the same name.

Though I am not a very religious person but I like the serene environment around the places of worships. Temples, churches, monasteries, they all carry similar kind of vibrations which are healing in nature. I suppose its nothing else but the power of hope & faith. Several people visit here with hope & faith in their hearts & spread it around. So the first day in Manali was going to be started with visitations to some of the primitive temples in & around Manali. Curious to know about the stories behind their creations & Sthapana, I started my journey.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lesson 7 - Freedom Comes With Loneliness

When the bus reached Manali, it was evening already. On my way to Manali from Bilaspur, I had been reading signboards of Sundernagar, Rampur, Haripur. Was thinking about another possible itinerary.

10 kms away from Manali, there is a small village called Aleo.556 total population. Small corn fields & apple orchids. Decided to live there. It was drizzling outside. Probably this is how Manali decided to welcome me – with a moist lovely weather & a familiar cold breeze.

The woodwork in the hotel room, reminded me of my aunt’s house in Shillong. Same warmth, same wood. I was feeling a little feverish. Thanks to the cold I had been infected with in Delhi. Had an awesome dinner, popped a pill & watched a couple of movies. Also looked at the local Himachali cable channel with amusement for sometime. Went to the reception to check out some information about the local attractions & book a cab for the next day. Though I had been to all local attractions on my previous trips, but was checking if I had missed something last time. My immediate requirement was a rain coat, without which my trip could have been in trouble. The rain was surely there to stay. Availability of a rain coat was rare in the nearby locality. Had to go to the main mall road next day for the same.

So hopeful for a bright sun next morning, I went to my room. When I got into my bed & looked around the empty room. A sudden pang of loneliness stung me. There I was a single entity, in a strange state, among strange people & lying on a strange bed. But that’s what I always wanted. Freedom comes with a strange tag of loneliness. Longing for a warm lovely embrace, I fell asleep, stretched on the same strange bed. Hoping to meet someone in my world of dreams, where I originally belong

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lesson 6- my kin - River Vyas

After every strange hurdle, there was a sweet surprise waiting. Saw Vyas after a really long time. She is called Beas & later it changes into river Satluj. Beautiful but dangerous. Alluring yet killing. She always had a magical effect on me. Feel like drowning, swept away with its flow. Ferocious, unfriendly yet attractive Vyas reflects the true form of passion. She personifies love for freedom, movement, change, life, excitement, adventure & lots more which is unidentifiable by a human mind. I don’t mind drowning in such a form of passion anytime. It will surely set my soul free or even make it immortal.

At this time of the year, she is dirty & thick with mud. Appears to be all the more rustic like a dirty village lass but yet a marvel. Like a crazy untamed girl she runs unstoppably. Several years ago when I had met her for the first time, we interacted for several hours. Sometimes in days & some nights as well. Nights & the moon bring more passion in her, making her all the more beautiful. Her loudness kept me awake for several nights during my previous trips. But then she accepted me & so did I. we are equally fond of each other. Its may be because we are alike. That’s why she keeps calling when I am away on plains & I keep coming back as I promised her

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I woke up at 5:00 am to find myself amidst hills. Watching hills has always been such an overwhelming experience for me & now was experiencing the same. I kept on looking around for almost an hour till my head refused to move from left to right.

The bus was still not in a very good condition. We all prayed to reach Manali soon. It was already 8:00 am & we were still 167 kms away from our destination. Driver stopped the bus a couple of times to repair it. After we had our breakfast at another dhaba, we moved towards Bilaspur. Bus maintained its consistent speed of 40 kms/hr.

Soon the bus was stopped by the people from Highway Authorities for routine check up. And then started the real fun. The only document which the driver had was his driver’s license. No R.C no pollution checks. Not even a single document related to that huge troublesome bus. Hilarious it was for me though people found it really shocking. But in India, there is a cure for everything. The people from the Highway Authorities demanded Rs 5000 to release the bus. That poor driver had no money, or this is what he said. So the passengers decided to contribute & get the bus released. We were so desperate to reach Manali that we were even ready to sell ourselves. Such small contribution stood nothing against that. There was only one thing which bothered me. If this bus would have met an accident, no one could claim anything from their insurance company. This episode gives us a lesson that whichever bus you board in, before u check your seats, don’t forget to check the papers from the driver.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lesson 4 On The Run

The bus finally started at 9:30 pm. It lingered around various stoppages in Delhi itself to pick up more people for at least another hour. The bus was not at its best condition & finally when we had reached Delhi’s border, it collapsed. I could see other local buses going to Himachal. For once I wanted to switch but loyalty is rewarded. After all everything around was going my way- The Unplanned Way. Meanwhile, the driver somehow fixed up the problem after another hour & moved on. Leaving all the traffic & rush behind we finally got out of reach of a metro city.

It was a bright night with a bright moon but was a little cloudy as well. Then started those trails of trees beside the highway, those huge factories & godowns. I could feel people sweating in some of those factories while some were dark & appeared to be haunted. There was water clogging on the fields may be because of the recent floods in Punjab. Many small houses were abandoned. Several homes which turned into houses. Was thinking about their different stories. I could hear their plight, could feel their pain. Several voices, all together. This exercise turned out to be so exhausting that I don’t remember when did I fell asleep. But was surely after everyone else did, because I remember watching everyone asleep.

It was half past midnight when I woke up. It was because of a Tarzan yelling somewhere at the backside. One Japanese student had this funny habit of yelling like a Tarzan when in sleep. Thanks to him, everyone was awake & laughing but him. There was a half an hour halt at a Punjabi dhaba before Chandigarh. Dal- roti on Khatt under the bright moon – deadly combination. Slept well the remaining night

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

LESSON 3 - Finally It Started

My journey usually starts when I reach ISBT delhi & play inky pinky ponky between different counter numbers. Hills are my favorite. Higher the better. Ok, so here I decide to take a 14 hr journey to Manali. 5:30 pm is when my bus is going to start from Delhi & 8:00 am next day is when I am suppose to reach Manali. Simple. No, not really. Guess what? This is going to be the first level of test.

6:30 pm & no bus is to be seen. At such times you would find your travel agents appearing to be busier than the Prime Minister of the nation. He is continuously on phone & has no time for our obvious query – what happened to the bus? Rumors are that the bus which was supposed to take us to Manali has already fallen into a ditch loaded with people. Some people call off their journey calling it as a bad sign. No further information is provided by our dear travel agent. Well in the whole process the most suffered lot among all were a group of 15 Japanese school students along with 5 teachers out of which only one could understand & speak Hindi. Uninformed, neglected they sit, all piled up in one corner, all drenched in sweat. Above them is the board which says “ATITHI

Its 8:00pm & now our beloved travel agent is nowhere to be seen. He has locked his office & has run away. Hey! I thought only I had an expertise in this field. Well then suddenly at 9:00pm, the same bus with the same number appears which was supposed to be here at 5:30pm. But was it not supposes to be lying in some ditch? Curious but glad. And there appears our travel agent with a pumped up chest as if he is the one who took the bus out off the ditch & brought it here. So finally, we board in forgetting about the seat numbers printed on our tickets. We occupy whatever seats we could grab. In the middle of this mess, there is another foreign national who could not manage to get a seat. Instead of waiting for another bus, which was improbable, he decided to board our bus & go without a seat. Poor guy was on the aisle throughout the whole journey but still it could not kill his enthusiasm. Some people teach you so much without uttering a single word.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Once you are convinced about the benefits of running away, let us get into the action. Well you dare not plan anything – this is the first lesson which you need to learn. Things never go by plan & when they don’t, they only pile up agitation. So keep it simple – no plan & no agitation. Remember – most beautiful things in life are always unplanned.

Next lesson which you must learn is to shed all egos. You may be a CEO at your workplace but you are still nothing for the world. Move out of your home as an amateur traveler & you would be really happy during your journey. So be ready for zero seats availability, arguments, fights, false commitments by travel agents, sleeping on the aisle of the bus & stay unusually calm & polite. The more you are tortured during the journey, more valuable & knowledgeable it will be for the rest of your life. Who said running away was easy?

Sunday, August 1, 2010


It all starts with a pumped up kick in the ass. Sometimes exerted by other people or circumstances, but most of the times it’s a self start mechanism. The feeling of running away is not a trait specific only to some lunatics like me but it is so commonly prevalent in all of us that we don’t even realize its there, like we don’t realize breathing -in air. We are all born athletes & our favorite sport is running. So we run from our real self, our responsibilities, hard work, taking initiative, charity, people, relationships & whatever else goes wrong. The act of running away is not escapism. It is rather a process which heals & rejuvenates you such that you can go back to the same situation, deal with them differently & finally sort it out. So now do you realize how important is this Act of Running Away?