Well though women are already smart and hardly need any advice, but still here is an offering from me to all lovely girls out there who don't understand why men act like clowns all the time.
Posturing - erect stance, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in.
Wide Stance - legs apart (standing or sitting) - to increase size.
Cowboy Stance - thumbs in belt loops, fingers pointing to genital area.
Hands In Pockets - thumbs out and pointing to genitals.
Chest-Thumping - a metaphor describing various male antics designed to draw attention to themselves, often involving play-punching or wresting other males, laughing too loudly, head-tossing, acting the fool, etc.
Room Scanning - males who are available and looking for females tend to scan the room, partly to look for available females, but also to indicate they are available themselves.
Preening and Grooming - adjusting clothes, ties, cuffs, sleeves, tugging at trouser crotch, running hands through or over hair, etc.
Tattoos - conventional body language flirting guides.They suggest strength and machismo, since the process of obtaining them is painful, Certain females are attracted by tattoos on men, especially extensive markings. It's a drastic step to improve one's love life. Tattoos are significant attention-grabbers
Body Piercings - piercings do attract attention and signify the wearer to be different.
Dancing - dancing, in a suitable place of course, has for thousands of years been an opportunity for males to display their physical and sexual potential. With the exception perhaps of pogo-ing and head-banging most dance styles replicate sexual movements - lots of rhythmic hip and leg work, contorted facial expressions, sweating and occasional grunting, etc. For those blessed with a level of coordination dancing offers an effective way of attracting attention, especially in crowded competitive situations. For the less rhythmic, the lesson is to find a different environment.
So next time when you see a man scratching here and there, conclude that he has fallen for you....oh God why did you make these men so animalistic, that they can't even show there affections in a more sophisticated way....they don't seem to know anything beyond scratching