They work as maids in the pantry area in my office. Been together for past five years, they are best of friends. Thanks to their hearts full of concerns for me, I have started taking meals on time. I have also put on some weight because of that extra love which they shower on me for reasons unknown.
They always fill in for each other. Their name do not represent two different individuals. They rather sound synonms to me. They take care of each other during fasting as well as feasting. I have seen Sangeeta working extra during Ramzaan fasting to unburden Rohima of her daily work. Rohima does the same for Sangeeta on her 'Solah Somvaar Vrats'(Monday fasting). I have seen them treating each other & everyone around with "Meethi Sewai" & "Boondi Laddoo" on various occassiosn.
These women embolise the true spirit of friendship & festivity. They celebrate their friendship everyday, while washing dishes,cooking food,serving tea.Various festivals, which are plenty in number in India, add on to their bright & beautiful life.
When I look at them, laughing together, leaders fighing for 'Babri Masjid' & 'Ram Janm Bhoomi' appear so insignificant. Which court decides what & for whom, do you think it will ever effect friends such as Rohima & Sangeeta? I have my doubts, not on their friendship but on the leadership skills of orators who use communalism as a tool.Shame on them & Cheers to Rohima & Sangeeta & their friendship.