Saturday, March 7, 2020


This Women's Day, let us start a trend - "Not to celebrate Women's Day".
Not Convincing? Let me make it convincing for you.

What does celebrating 'Women's Day' actually mean to you?

Option 1- MAKES YOU FEEL EMPOWERED. Well if you are already empowered, do you really need a day to reinforce that to yourself? If you know your powers, you probably are celebrating and cherishing it everyday.

Option 2 - THIS DAY IS TO TALK ABOUT ISSUES RELATED TO GENDER INEQUALITY . Do you really think that a few debates over a few cases of domestic violence, unequal wages, crime against women, on a single day can bring the massive change required?

Option 3 - IT TALKS ABOUT NEED  FOR RESERVATION FOR WOMEN. Do you really think that while demanding equality, it is fair to seek reservation benefits based on the same principals of inequality? With entitlement of reservation, a sense of inequality come for free.

Right from the days of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, several social activists have tried to help women get a better share in the society. But do we really have to wait for some activists to come and raise a voice in our defence.

My addressal  is especially to all the educated women who still face gender inequality and its consequences each day. Your right to equality is your personal quest. You have to seek it each day. On the days when an office colleague wishes you on Women's Day and then forwards a misogynist joke on WhatsApp just because its trending. On the days when your boss justifies disparity in wages for same amount of work. On the days when your own mother teaches you to keep your brother, husband and son above you and your priorities. These are your daily fight and struggles. If you win them each day, you wont need a "Women's Day" to remind you of your strength.

Ms Nandita Prakash


  1. 100% agreed.
    Is woman happy with other women?

  2. Very well said ma'am.
    Why a special day when a woman is to be celebrated every day.
    And why only the woman????
    Why not the man????
    Both are complimentary to each other.
    One cannot work without the other. Both need each other for empowering.
